Source code for gaddlemaps.parsers

#    Gaddlemaps python module.
#    Copyright (C) 2019-2021 José Manuel Otero Mato, Hadrián Montes Campos, Luis Miguel Varela Cabo
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
#    along with this program.  If not, see <>.
Simulation Files Parsers

This submodule contains some useful functionalities to read and extract
information from files coming from molecular simulation programs. Up to now,
only files in the format used by GROMACS are contemplated (.gro and .itp


from io import TextIOWrapper
import warnings
import numpy
import abc
import os.path

from typing import Tuple, List, Union, Dict, Optional, Type

from ._itp_parse import (ItpFile, ItpLine, ItpLineAtom, ItpLineBonds,
                         ItpLineMoleculetype, ItpSection)
from ._top_parsers import read_topology, TopologyParser, TopologyParserManager

GroLine = Union[Tuple[int, str, str, int, float, float, float],
                Tuple[int, str, str, int, float, float, float, float, float, float]]

[docs]def open_coordinate_file(filename: Union[str, TextIOWrapper], mode: str="r") -> 'CoordinatesParser': if isinstance(filename, str): name = os.path.basename(filename) else: name = os.path.basename( extension = name.split(".")[-1] if extension in ParserManager.parsers: return ParserManager.parsers[extension](filename, mode=mode) else: raise ValueError(f"No parser available for extension {extension}")
[docs]class ParserManager: parsers: Dict["str", Type["CoordinatesParser"]] = {}
[docs] @classmethod def register(cls, parser: Type['CoordinatesParser']): if parser.EXTENSIONS: for extension in parser.EXTENSIONS: cls.parsers[extension] = parser
[docs]class ParserRegistered(abc.ABCMeta): def __init__(self, name, bases, attrs): super().__init__(name, bases, attrs) ParserManager.register(self) def __new__(metaclass, name, bases, attrs): return super().__new__(metaclass, name, bases, attrs)
[docs]class CoordinatesParser(metaclass=ParserRegistered): EXTENSIONS: Optional[Tuple[str, ...]] = None @abc.abstractmethod def __init__(self, path: Union[str, TextIOWrapper], mode: str="r"): """ Implements a file object for opening and writing coordinate files Grofile verifies the gromacs format, and autodetects the correct way to read the file. It modifies the methods read and write of a common file with methods that take as input lists with all the info of an atom. The readlines and writelines are modified to take (return) lists with the info of an atom in lists (as returned by the read function). This class can also be initiated with an already opened file. Note ---- The "+" modifier for the open mode is not allowed right now Parameters ---------- path: str or TextIOWrapper The path to the file to be opened or the opened file. mode: str "r" to open the file in read mode and "w" to open it in write mode. Attributes ---------- EXTENSIONS: Optional[Tuple[str, ...]] A tuple with all the extensions that the parser is able to process. Raises ------ IOError If the file has not the correct format """ super().__init__()
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def seek_atom(self, index: int): """ Displaces the position of the 'cursor' to an atom line Displaces the position of the 'cursor' to the beginning of the line of the 'index' atom, where the first atom index is 0. This function warrants that calling the "next" function the information about atom "index" will be returned. Parameters ---------- index : int The index of the atom to found """ return
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def next(self) -> GroLine: """ Returns next atomline formatted """ residue_index = 1 residue_name = "mol" atom_name = "C" atom_index = 1 x_position = 0 y_position = 0 z_position = 0 return (residue_index, residue_name, atom_name, atom_index, x_position, y_position, z_position)
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def writeline(self, atomlist: GroLine): """ Writes a line of atom information If there was no content written in the file it creates the header and the number of atoms. If the number of atoms was not provided it will kept empty and the number will be written just before closing the file. This possibility is only compatible with a number of atoms smaller than 1000000. Parameters ---------- atomlist : list or string A list with all the info of the atom, just like the one returned by readline. If it is a string, it will be written directly without parsing. """ return
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def close(self): """ Closes the file """ return
@property @abc.abstractmethod def natoms(self) -> int: """ Number of atoms in the file """ return 0 @property #type: ignore @abc.abstractmethod def box_matrix(self) -> numpy.ndarray: """ Return a 3x3 matrix with the 3 lattice vectors """ return numpy.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]]) @box_matrix.setter # type: ignore @abc.abstractmethod def box_matrix(self, new_box: numpy.ndarray): """ This function does no need to work in "r" mode """ return @property #type: ignore @abc.abstractmethod def comment(self) -> str: """ A comment/name of the system """ return "Generic system" @comment.setter # type: ignore @abc.abstractmethod def comment(self, new_comment: str): """ This function does not need to work in "r" mode """ return
[docs] def writelines(self, list_atomlist: List[GroLine]): """ Writes several lines of atoms Parameters ---------- list_atomlist : list of list of str or int or float A list of lists with all the info of the atom, just like the one returned by readline """ for line in list_atomlist: self.writeline(line)
def __next__(self): return def __iter__(self): while True: try: yield next(self) except StopIteration: return def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, *args): self.close()
[docs]class GroFile(CoordinatesParser): """ Implements a file object for opening and writing .gro files Grofile verifies the gromacs format, and autodetects the correct way to read the file. It modifies the methods read and write of a common file with methods that take as input lists with all the info of an atom. The readlines and writelines are modified to take (return) lists with the info of an atom in lists (as returned by the read function). This class can also be initiated with an already opened file. Note ---- The "+" modifier for the open mode is not allowed right now Parameters ---------- path: str or TextIOWrapper The path to the file to be opened or the opened file. mode: str "r" to open the file in read mode and "w" to open it in write mode. Raises ------ IOError If the gro file has not the correct format """ EXTENSIONS = ("gro", "GRO") DEFAULT_POSTION_FORMAT = (8, 3) DEFAULT_COMMENT = "Gro file genereted with 'Gromacs Tools' python module." COORD_START = 20 # Defines the maximum number of atoms in the file 10**NUMBER_FIGURES NUMBER_FIGURES = 9 def __init__(self, path: Union[str, TextIOWrapper], mode: str = "r"): if isinstance(path, str): mode = self._correct_mode(mode) self._file = open(path, mode) # type: ignore else: if path.mode != 'r': raise IOError(f"If open file is used ({}), it can only be in read mode") self._file = path mode = path.mode self._comment: Optional[str] = None self._natoms: Optional[int] = None self._init_position: Optional[int] = None self._atomline_bytesize: Optional[int] = None self._format: Dict[str, Optional[Tuple[int, int]]] = { "position": None, "velocities": None, } self._box_matrix = numpy.zeros((3, 3)) self._current_atom = 0 if "r" in mode: self._load_and_verify() @property def name(self) -> str: """ str: The filename of the open file """ return @property def natoms(self) -> int: """ integer: The number of atoms in the system. """ if self._natoms is None: raise ValueError("The system was not fully initialized") return self._natoms @natoms.setter def natoms(self, value: int): if "w" in self._file.mode: self._natoms = value else: raise AttributeError("Can't set atributte in read mode") @property def comment(self) -> str: """ string: The comment of the .gro file. """ if self._comment is None: return self.DEFAULT_COMMENT return self._comment @comment.setter def comment(self, value: str): if "w" in self._file.mode: if value[-1] == '\n': value = value[:-1] self._comment = value else: raise AttributeError("Can't set atributte in read mode") @property def position_format(self) -> Tuple[int, int]: """ tuple of int : the number of total figures and decimal places for the positions. """ if self._format["position"] is None: return self.DEFAULT_POSTION_FORMAT return self._format["position"] @position_format.setter def position_format(self, value: Tuple[int, int]): if "w" in self._file.mode: self._format["position"] = value else: raise AttributeError("Can't set atributte in read mode") @property def box_matrix(self) -> numpy.ndarray: """ numpy.ndarray(3,3): the 3 lattice vectors of the box. """ return self._box_matrix @box_matrix.setter def box_matrix(self, value: numpy.ndarray): if "r" in self._file.mode: raise AttributeError("Can't set atributte in read mode") value = numpy.array(value) shape = value.shape if shape == (3,): value = numpy.diag(value) elif shape == (3, 3): pass else: text = ("The input array have {} dimension. Input arrays must be a " "3x3 array or a vector with 3 elements.").format(shape) raise ValueError(text) self._box_matrix = value def _load_and_verify(self): """ Verify if the file can be a grofile and determine the info in it """ self._comment = self._readline() if not self._comment: raise IOError("First line of a gro line must not be empty") try: self._natoms = int(self._readline()) except ValueError: raise IOError(("Second line of a gro file should contain only " "the number of atoms and blank spaces")) # Save this position to ve able to return later self._init_position = self._file.tell() # read the first line of atoms first_line = self._readline() self._format = self.determine_format(first_line) self._atomline_bytesize = self._file.tell() - self._init_position self._load_box_matrix() # Return to the beggining of the atoms self.seek_atom(0) def _load_box_matrix(self): """Seek after the last atom and loads the box info""" self.seek_atom(self._natoms) line = self._readline() if not line: error_text = ("The number of atoms at the top of the file does not " "correspond to the actual number of atoms or the " "simulation box line is missing from the file") raise IOError(error_text) # Try to load the simulation box try: self._box_matrix = extract_lattice_gro(line) except ValueError: error_text = ("The number of atoms at the top of the file does not " "correspond to the actual number of atoms or the " "simulation box line has the wrong fomat") raise IOError(error_text)
[docs] def seek_atom(self, index: int): """ Displaces the position of the 'cursor' to an atom line Displaces the position of the 'cursor' to the beginning of the line of the 'index' atom, where the first atom index is 0. If the index is equal to the number of atoms the beginning of the box lattice line is found. Parameters ---------- index : int The index of the atom to found """ self._current_atom = index if index > self.natoms: error_text = ("Index {} is greater than the number of atoms in the " "grofile").format(index) raise IndexError(error_text) if self._init_position is None or self._atomline_bytesize is None: raise ValueError("Error in initalizaiton") + index * self._atomline_bytesize)
def _readline(self) -> str: return self._file.readline()
[docs] def writelines(self, list_atomlist: List[GroLine]): """ Writes several lines of atoms If there was no content written in the file it creates the header and the number of atoms. If the number of atoms was not provided it will kept empty and the number will be written just before closing the file. This possibility is only compatible with a number of atoms smaller than 1000000. Parameters ---------- list_atomlist : list of list of str or int or float A list of lists with all the info of the atom, just like the one returned by readline """ for line in list_atomlist: self.writeline(line)
[docs] def writeline(self, atomlist: GroLine): """ Writes a line of atom information If there was no content written in the file it creates the header and the number of atoms. If the number of atoms was not provided it will kept empty and the number will be written just before closing the file. This possibility is only compatible with a number of atoms smaller than 1000000. Parameters ---------- atomlist : list or string A list with all the info of the atom, just like the one returned by readline. If it is a string, it will be written directly without parsing. """ if self._init_position is None: self._setup_write_file(atomlist) return if isinstance(atomlist, (list, tuple)): to_write = self.parse_atomlist(atomlist, format_dict=self._format) else: to_write = atomlist self._file.write(to_write) self._file.write("\n") self._current_atom += 1
def _setup_write_file(self, atomlist: Union[str, GroLine]): if isinstance(atomlist, str): atomlist = self.parse_atomline(atomlist) # setupt the format_dict if self._format["position"] is None: self._format["position"] = self.DEFAULT_POSTION_FORMAT self._format["velocities"] = len(atomlist) == 10 # There is no content writen to the file comment = self.comment self._file.write(comment) if comment[-1] != "\n": self._file.write("\n") # Write the number of atoms if possible if self._natoms is None: self._file.write(" "*self.NUMBER_FIGURES+"\n") else: self._file.write("{:d}\n".format(self._natoms)) self._init_position = self._file.tell() self.writeline(atomlist) self._atomline_bytesize = self._file.tell() - self._init_position
[docs] def readline(self, parsed: bool=True) -> Union[GroLine, str]: """ Returns the next line of the gro file. If parsed=True (default) the data on the atom line is parsed and returned in a list. If false the line is returned as an string (just like if it were opened as a common file.) Parameters ---------- parsed : bool (optional) Wether the data of the line should be parsed or not. Default: True Returns ------- info : str or list Returns the info of the line, i alist if it was parsed or in a string if not """ info = self._readline() if not parsed: return info if self._current_atom >= self.natoms: raise StopIteration self._current_atom += 1 return self.parse_atomline(info, self._format)
[docs] def readlines(self) -> List[GroLine]: """ Returns all the lines of a grofile parsed in lists. Returns ------- info : list(list) Returns a list with the info of all the atom lines in lists """ # self.seek_atom(0) info = [i for i in self] return info
[docs] def next(self) -> GroLine: """ Returns next atomline formatted """ return self.readline() #type: ignore
@classmethod def _correct_mode(cls, mode: str) -> str: """ Checks if the '+' modifier is set and removes it because it is not compatible yet """ if "+" in mode: mode = mode.replace("+", "") mode = mode.replace("w", "r") warn_text = ("'+' modifier for open mode is not implemented, the" " file will be opened in {} mode").format(mode) warnings.warn(warn_text, RuntimeWarning) return mode
[docs] @classmethod def parse_atomlist(cls, atomlist: GroLine, format_dict: Dict = None) -> str: """ Convert a list of atom info to string with the appropriate format Parses a list with the atom information and returns its content in a string with the correct format to write in a .gro file. In its default behaviour the input line is analyzed and the number of decimals are guessed. It is also possible to insert the format in a format dictionary. This is a dictionary with 2 keys, "position" and "velocities". The position key leads to a tuple with 2 ints. The first is the number of characters in the float format (C) and the second is the number of decimal places in the float (D), i.e. corresponds to the '%C.Df' format. Parameters ---------- atomlist: list A list with the following information: + mol_index(integer) + resname (string) + name (string) + global_index (integer) + x, y, z (floats) + vx, vy ,vz (floats) [optional]] format_dict: dict (optional) None or dictionary with 2 keys, "position" and "velocities". The position key leads to a tuple with 2 ints. THe first in is the number of characters in the float format (C) and the second is the number of decimal places in the float (D), i.e. corresponds to the '%C.Df' format. If None the format will be automatically guessed. Default None. Returns ------- atomline : str An string with a line from a .gro file """ if format_dict is None: float_format = cls.DEFAULT_POSTION_FORMAT else: float_format = format_dict["position"] float_format_dict = { "figures": float_format[0], "decimals": float_format[1] } if len(atomlist) == 10: velocities = True float_format_dict["velocities"] = float_format_dict["decimals"]+1 elif len(atomlist) == 7: velocities = False else: length = len(atomlist) text = "Atomlist must have len 7 or 10, found {}".format(length) raise ValueError(text) # If an external format was set check if the velocities # requirement is met if format_dict is not None: if velocities == format_dict["velocities"]: pass elif velocities: text = ("Error while parsing {}. The atom information has " "velocities, but the first atom of the GroFile has not." " All the atoms must have the number of fields" " to write.").format(atomlist) raise IOError(text) else: text = ("Error while parsing {}. The atom information has not" "velocities, but the first atom of the GroFile has." " All the atoms must have the number of fields" " to write.").format(atomlist) raise IOError(text) atominfo = list(atomlist) # Wrap the numbers if greater than 99999 atominfo[0] = atomlist[0] % 99999 + int(atomlist[0] > 99999) atominfo[3] = atomlist[3] % 99999 + int(atomlist[3] > 99999) # Validate the name and resname atominfo[1] = cls.validate_string(atomlist[1]) atominfo[2] = cls.validate_string(atomlist[2]) format_list = [ "{:5d}", "{:5s}", "{:>5s}", "{:5d}", "{:{figures}.{decimals}f}"*3 ] if velocities: format_list.append("{:{figures}.{velocities}f}"*3) out = "".join(format_list).format(*atominfo, **float_format_dict) return out
[docs] @classmethod def parse_atomline(cls, atomline: str, format_dict: Optional[Dict] = None) -> GroLine: """ Parses an atom line and returns its content in a list. Parses an atom line and returns its content in a list. In its default behaviour the input line is analyzed and the number of decimals are guessed. It is also possible to insert the format in a format dictionary. This is a dictionary with 2 keys, "position" and "velocities". The position key leads to a tuple with 2 ints. The first in is the number of characters in the float format (C) and the second is the number of decimal places in the float (D), i.e. corresponds to the '%C.Df' format. Parameters ---------- atomline : str An string with a line from a grofile format_dict : dict_format (optional) None or dictionary with 2 keys, "position" and "velocities". The position key leads to a tuple with 2 ints. THe first in is the number of characters in the float format (C) and the second is the number of decimal places in the float (D), i.e. corresponds to the '%C.Df' format. If None the format will be automatically guessed. Default None. Returns ------- info : list A list with the following information: + mol_index(integer) + resname (string) + name (string) + global_index (integer) + x, y, z (floats) + vx, vy ,vz (floats) [optional] """ if format_dict is None: format_dict = cls.determine_format(atomline) if atomline[-1] == "\n": atomline = atomline[:-1] length = len(atomline) space = format_dict["position"][0] expected_length = 20+space*3*(1+format_dict["velocities"]) if length != expected_length: texterr = ("Found an atom line with {} characters, when {} were " "expected. Check your file.").format(length, expected_length) raise IOError(texterr) res_num, atom_num = _validate_res_atom_numbers(atomline) info: GroLine = ( res_num, atomline[5:10].strip(), atomline[10:15].strip(), atom_num, float(atomline[20:20+space]), float(atomline[20+space:20+2*space]), float(atomline[20+2*space:20+3*space]) ) if format_dict["velocities"]: aux_info: Tuple[float, float, float] = ( float(atomline[20+3*space:20+4*space]), float(atomline[20+4*space:20+5*space]), float(atomline[20+5*space:20+6*space]), ) info += aux_info #type: ignore return info
[docs] def close(self): """ Closes the file If the file is in write mode it will write al the remaining information. """ if "w" in self._file.mode: self._write_closing_info() self._file.close()
def _write_closing_info(self): """ Writes alll the necesary info when the file is in write mode """ if self._natoms is None and self._current_atom == 0: warnings.warn("Closing an empty file") return # If no number of atoms was given at the begining fill the value if self._natoms is None: self._natoms = self._current_atom self._file.write("{:{figures}d}\n".format(self._current_atom, figures=self.NUMBER_FIGURES)) # If there was a number, check that it is the correct one else: if self._natoms != self._current_atom: text = ("{} Atoms were writen but {} were expected.") text = text.format(self._current_atom, self._natoms) raise IOError(text) self.seek_atom(self._natoms) self._file.write(dump_lattice_gro(self._box_matrix)) self._file.write("\n")
[docs] @classmethod def determine_format(cls, atomline: str) -> Dict: """ Returns the format of the postion coordinates and whether or not the .gro file has velocities Parameters ---------- atomline : str An atom line from the .gro file Returns ------- form : dict Dictionary with 2 keys, "position" and "velocities". The position key leads to a tuple with 2 ints. THe first in is the number of characters in the float format (C) and the second is the number of decimal places in the float (D), i.e. corresponds to the '%C.Df' format. """ # remove \n at the end if present if atomline[-1] == "\n": atomline = atomline[:-1] size = len(atomline) # Check that thereb are not more "\n" if the atomline if atomline.count("\n"): raise ValueError("The input must correspond to only 1 line") # count the number of "." fater the coordinate start ndots = atomline[cls.COORD_START:].count(".") if ndots == 3: velocities = False elif ndots == 6: velocities = True else: errortext = ("Found {} '.' after the 20 first characters. This is " "not compatible with the gro format. " "Check the input file").format(ndots) raise IOError(errortext) nfigures = (size - cls.COORD_START) // ndots if size != (cls.COORD_START + ndots * nfigures): raise IOError(("Some of the coordinates/velocities values has " "different number of characters. " "This is not allowed")) ndecimals = nfigures - 5 form = { "position": (nfigures, ndecimals), "velocities" : velocities, } return form
[docs] @staticmethod def validate_string(string: str) -> str: """ Validates a string to be valid as resname or as name. If the input name has more than 5 characters, new name is returned cutting the input one. Parameters ---------- string : str The string to validate. Returns ------- new_string : str The properly formatted string. """ if len(string) > 5: old_string = string string = string[:5] warn_text = ('The input resname has more than 5 character ({})' ', this is modified to be {}.').format(old_string, string) warnings.warn(warn_text) return string
def _validate_res_atom_numbers(line: str) -> Tuple[int, int]: """ Validates the residue and number atom in a gro atom_line. """ num_err = "Invalid {} number ({}), check the file format." res_num_str = line[:5] atom_num_str = line[15:20] try: res_num = int(res_num_str) except ValueError: raise IOError(num_err.format('residue', res_num_str)) try: atom_num = int(atom_num_str) except ValueError: raise IOError(num_err.format('atom', atom_num_str)) return res_num, atom_num
[docs]def extract_lattice_gro(line: str) -> numpy.ndarray: """ Extracts the lattice vectors for pbc from the final line of a .gro file. Parameters ---------- line : string The final line of a .gro file. Returns ------- vectors : numpy.ndarray((3,3)) An array with a lattice vector in each row. """ vectors = numpy.zeros(9) index = (0, 4, 8, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7) nums = (float(i) for i in line.split()) for i, num in zip(index, nums): vectors[i] = num return vectors.reshape((3, 3))
[docs]def dump_lattice_gro(vectors: numpy.ndarray) -> str: """ Extracts final line of a .gro file from the lattice vectors for pbc. Parameters ---------- vectors : numpy.ndarray((3,3)) An array with a lattice vector in each row. Returns ------- line : string The final line of a .gro file. """ # Reorder the vectors comps vectors = vectors.ravel() index = (0, 4, 8, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7) new_vector = numpy.zeros_like(vectors) for i, val in enumerate(index): new_vector[i] = vectors[val] if numpy.any(new_vector[3:]): lim = 9 else: lim = 3 return ' '.join(['{:9.5f}'.format(i) for i in new_vector[:lim]])